
The Future is Cashless

The average Canadian citizen owns three credit cards and we Canadians are listed as one of the top 10 cashless countries in the world. Whether you’d like to use cash or cashless solutions Durham Vending’s machines carry both options! Our Machines have sure-vend, Bill Validators, Card Readers, App Based solutions, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Credit/Debit, Tap n Pay

Where is cashless going?

Our customers are tech savvy and so is Durham Vending. Our customers are using their smart watches, fitness trackers, key holders and wristbands to pay cashless. Durham Vending has Cash and Cashless solutions for our customers. The future is here.

Today it was time to look at our website for updates. We asked ourselves what is most important to our customers? So much has changed in 25 years but our answer is still the same. Customer service. Durham Vending has been operating for over 25 years we started out small and grew and grew. We offer 24/7 customer service, reply to our customers by text or email within two hours, carry all parts on our truck for zero downtime and in doing so, we have established great long-term relationships. We’d like to say thanks to all our customers, we really enjoy doing business with you.

Did you know cashless costs?

Telemetry technology for Vending Machine operators can costs per machine for the card box on the machine. Then there is also a flat communication fee and a transaction fee. A swipe fee is between 2% and 4%, but the benefit of having telemetry is that Durham Vending receives data showing us what has sold and not sold…what to buy and what not to buy and now we really know the likes and dislikes of our customers and how often to service our machines to keep products fresh. This detailed information keeps our customers happy. So in the end Telemetry is a worthwhile investment for our customers and for us.

Pepsi or Coke? Which one do you prefer?

Critics would say that Pepsi is sweeter so if you have a sweet-tooth perhaps Pepsi is your choice?

Coke is often described as “smooth” and more “bitter” compared to its competition. Would you agree?

Perhaps you have a favorite brand of soda based solely on taste or maybe there is more to it? Witty advertising may have more to do with it than you think.  The “Cola wars” between long-time rivals  The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have been going on since the 80’s when they started to “battle” it out on TV with carefully thought out advertisements. Mega money has been spent on complex marketing campaigns throughout the many years these companies have been in business.  Although many people claim to have a favorite soda drink, their brand loyalty may be more to the brand itself versus their own taste-buds.

If you are curious you could always put yourself to the test. It's simple. Blindfolded taste test Pepsi vs. Coke softdrinks and see if you really do know the difference. Did you guess correct?

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Time Tested & True

Children are drawn to bulk vending dispensers for obvious reasons (hunger or the anticipation of a tasty treat). Have you ever wondered why certain vending machines spark nostalgic feelings? Maybe you have a memory of your favorite machine located outside of your arena as a child.  Perhaps a recollection of one you used near your neighborhood park, by your parents work or your local corner store? If this sounds familiar to you, you’re not alone.

Here are some fun facts about Bulk Vending machines and the history of the “candy machines” we all know and love:

  • In the early 1880s, the first commercial coin-operated vender was introduced in London.
  • Thomas Adams Gum Co. introduced bulk venders to America, using the machines to sell Tutti frutti gum on elevated subway platforms in New York City.
  • In 1913, Ford Mason leased 102 machines and placed them in stores and shops of communities in western New York State.
  • In 1963, Josef Schwarzli founded Beaver Machine Corporation, designing and manufacturing his own equipment that is sold today into over 100 different countries worldwide. ( these are the brand of bulk vending machines used by Durham Vending )

Everyone loves to get candy any time of year–especially those hard to find nostalgic candies. The bulk vending industry has grown and now offer a wide range of toys and snacks including healthier options. Whether you prefer the bold colored traditional gum-ball from your childhood, chocolate treats or a tasty trail-mix, there is truly something for everyone.

Contact Durham Vending today to find out more about their Bulk Vending Machines


Who wants coffee?

For most adults one or more cups of coffee is part of our daily routine.  Especially when we head out the door to go to work each morning, and as we toil at our jobs.

Does your workplace offer in-house coffee services?

If not, they should.  It’s much cheaper than each employee buying cups from the local coffee shop.  Not to mention the time saved from having to make coffee runs during the day.

Contact Durham Vending today to find out more about the coffee services we can provide to your office.

How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

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Are you drinking enough water?

Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. These guidelines can help ensure you drink enough fluids. … Although the “8 by 8” rule isn’t supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it’s easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: “Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day,” because all fluids count toward the daily total.

Click the link above to find some guidelines on how much water and other fluids, like coffee, you should drink in a day.  Having an in-house water cooler and coffee services makes it much easier for employees to stay healthy & productive with convenient access to lots of fluids.

How many cups of water do you drink a day?

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